. -- ms. caen. she's not here today. the ambassador for this department. and i would like to say that i'm happy that those of you that i've been knowing for years -- [laughter] >>> -- and have worked with, i understand the fact that i'm for the community. i'm for the citizens of san francisco. it's just not black folk, but all folk. >> here, here. >>> because of the fact we all have the same needs. and i want to thank you for making sure that your staff work with us, especially with me, to make sure that i get what i want. [laughter] >>> for the southeast facility community college. i haven't gotten it all yet, but i'm looking to receive the rest of it. and when i say "the rest of it" i mean all of the college for the students, because we lost a lot of our programs because of greed, of people that just did not understand what that facility building was built for. so, i want to thank you, thank all of you and i love all of you. and, yes, i call my baby -- i call him my baby over there. i call him in the morning, i call him at night. and if he don't answer,