ms. stanyar. carol stanyar: may it please the court, carol stanyar. for 50 years the supreme court has recognized that the freedom of personal choice in matters of marriage and family life are liberties protected by due process. april deboer and jane rouse have a constitutional right to share a life, to marry, to form a family, to raise their children. we show in this case that no matter what standard of scrutiny the court uses, no matter what doctrine the court applies, the state can't prevail here. the michigan marriage amendment is unconstitutional. a startling disagreement between the parties as the court has already observed is the articulation of the right itself. is it the right to marry or is the right to what the state is calling same-sex marriage? >> what about -- i mean, i realize before windsor, the first and second circuits said baker is binding. post-windsor, there is a majority recognizing that, but i have to say, i really find that a very serious issue. the thing that is going on is you oddly enough treat the summary as binding precede