ms. chapman a senior analyst at san francisco general i hire the r.n.'s for the hospital i process they're hiring i have ombudsman with the city over a year i came in january of 2014 and when i start i was told by the people that trained me that it was fine for a hire pact to sit three or four months on the desk to wait for the management and that it was in the usual it took my hire over a year but i'm now in the department that does this and everything has changed everything has changed in our department through the work of the lean processes also the work of our new manager karen hill has been outstanding and brought our team together and participated proufrl or powerful with the hospital with administration and nursing administration and the nursing manager on the ground that's where it is happening and that's why we're out there hyphen and no one has more concern especially the r.n.'s than i do i'll mention that the other job classes are equally being aggressively pursued pc and putting them not hiring process and very rapidly hire all those job clas