. >> thank you, ms. chung. >> chair yee and members of the rules committee. my name is samantha higgins here to represent the golden restaurant association and express our thoughts about the minimum wage measure. we are appreciative that the mayor is able to reach the minimum wage ballot. as you know the carve out and total compensation approach for minimum wage. we would welcome the reconsideration of these request. at a minimum wage we hope that you might consider the letter we joined seeking one for employers with fewer than 100 full time equivalent employees the january 1, 2015, rate would be $11 and each july thereafter until july 2019 when the rate would expire and these shall apply. 2, the government supported employee rate should be applicable to all employees for temporary or after school summer or trainee positions with youth or young adults under 25 provided this rate would not be paid to any individual for more than 120 days for any calendar year. no. 3, on or before any year if the employer finds that of the prior year had increased year to year