ms. conway you're wrong. anyway -- you want to call -- you want to just change the semantics around but the fact is i don't want you -- you make me stand here all the time as a mom, as a woman -- as a person who has a heartbeat, mother, conscience, i don't want these kids raped, trafficked, getting the drugs. i care about the kids on that side of the border. i care about the kids on this side of the border. it's time people rise above the partisan point. let's get bipartisan solution. thank you. >> the house returns in about just under 20 minutes, noon eastern. democratic leaders beginning their efforts to reopen the government. one agency at a time with four spending bills co-2ed up over the next couple -- qued up over the next couple of days. if that passes they'll take up the measure overseeing financial services, including the treasury department and i.r.s. live house coverage here on c-span at noon. this morning, steny hoyer, the majority leader, and a number of other colleagues, democratic colleagues fr