ms. conway make sure to make sure that to make sure information is not being disclosed improperly and there are penalties against the agencies if in fact there are improper disclosures. now, i'd also say, and i'd remind my friend, we talked about this last night in rules, rules, n that when people get together and they operate under a corporation or a limited liability company, they're drawing on law to say, we want to operate this group and we want to have protection from liability, we're going to operate as a corporation, we want the state to protect us, state of colorado, state of arizona, to protect us against us being personally lieable, individually lieable. and all we're asking is stuff that you would put down on a normal bank account, which is the name of the individuals, their date of birth, their address, and identifying numbers, and if they're from another country, we demand their passport numbers. . . this is not terribly intrusive. this is basic information to bad sure we don't have scoundrels, ound people having shell companies owning skyscrapers in new york. so this is -- thi