ms. crossley: please, do not go on.indiscernible] [indiscernible] tasha: 15 minutes about bureaucracy and public policy. you heard some of the achievement that he put in place. we will talk about eric holder and his achievements, and the names he will never know, people like melody barnes, who has's promise neighborhoods around the and that poverty and intervention. he has a tremendous amount he should have done but there is a reason. i do not think black folks are done. when you pulled most black americans, did he do as much as he could? the vast majority would say yes and they would have questions about this. i trust my great-grandmother tab a pretty good assessment of president obama. crossley: i know you want to respond, but would we have put the same pressure on another administration? joshua: no. [indiscernible] >> really quickly, i hear this argument a lot and it drives me nuts. the president gave great speeches. >> weight a minute. kudos to the president, but that is not results. that is not results. wait a minu