. >> attorney crump, the reputation of ms.that she is tough, do you expect her to come in and strongly present the case before the judge to get by a dismissal and head to trial? >> i do, for a lot of reasons, i want her to be a tough, good prosecutor, and also because she knows the whole world is watching. that's the one thing, when you get a petition where two million people sign it, those people have done something now. they're engaged, and you know through your vast experience, the hardest thing is getting people that stand up, it's easy to stay silent. i have to say this, everybody says when we get justice for trayvon, that's will be our finest hour. i disagree, i think it's when tracy martin called, and nobody new of trayvon, and you stood up for somebody that was unnamed, the government said is unimportant, but this is what our education and talents, this is what we're trained up to do, to stand up for good people, trayvon was only a child, and if we don't stand up for him, who will we stand up for? >> was there ever a t