ms. dalton was saying, that there aren't that many venues for latin music and dance. everybody likes latin music and dance. this young lady can attest o'. the crowd that attends, there's very -- rarely any problem i don't think i've ever witnessed a problem either. basically there to dance and they don't drink that much. it's not a very profitable business in some ways. taking that away will hurt many, someone speak in favor for keeping it in open for that reason. on a practical level, the port has made public statements that this is a public safety issue. i don't think it's the port's responsibility to take vengeance upon this tragic death. joey's in a very expansive area. i would say it provides more security now than anybody else. you know, there's no people patroling the parking lot. it can't be responsible for every bit of area around it. it is in a fairly separated area. joey's did provide the security and that was validated also by the entertainment commission when they spoke with the bay view police. the entertainment commission removed joey's permits. they ha