ms. davenport: every nation.he objective of the paris accord, which was forged in december, is that every single country in the world will put forth a plan to cut its own carbon emission. until now, the united states did not have any kind of policy in place, and with the announcement of this final regulation, the announcement that the united states is proposing, not just putting out a draft or an idea but actually moving forward with pretty aggressive regulations, the hope of the president is to set an example and try to get, again, all major economies to do something similar. charlie: steven, is there enough here to persuade them to do something similar? mr. mufson: in a pretty methodical way, he was in china last year and got china for the first time to commit by doing something by 2030. these of course were some things that china was thinking about doing anyway, he moved on to india, getting a huge commitment on renewable power, and a percentage cut, and they actually follow through with commitments to build t