ms. davi lang for seat 3. in terms of seat 2, i'm opening to hearing from my colleague.ween nanci haines and amy van nest, both of them i think bring unique backgrounds. i really liked hearing how amy had, had experience witnessing animal abuse in her previous job and also nancy in terms of her volunteer experience and what she and her fiance are trying to do in terms of starting up a new organization as well. so, in terms of seats 1, 3 and 7, those would be my recommendations, and i'd like to hear from my colleague about seat 2. >> okay, thank you. it's always tough when you have more applicants than seats and obviously each person that what here today is very passionate about this role. and i would have actually -- the person that didn't show up also, amy fuller, just looking at her background, she would have made a very com petitive choice also. but because there are people here that for me are more than qualified, i would have to choose from the people that actually were able to come today. i like all of them. the person that floats up a little bit to the top for me