ms. drabble -- but mr.ppleton -- i got a bunch of architects to try to solve the problem, and we have the same trouble the library architect had. it is hard to figure out. we finally hit it when i remembered when there was a building under the louvre. one of my classmates put a building under the palace of the legion of honor. when i got that in my hand, i tried to put an honest library underneath this lovely building, and you can put a bigger library under their with more expandability, more light, and more everything that you can by doing what is essentially an obsolete building on the trying " -- on a triangle. we started studying what is changing in libraries, and, believe me, that triangular library is obsolete before it is built. >> things were said before, and i am going to stick to my script. i live one block from the north beach library. i have been there for 25 years and i wish to state that i am hardly in favor of landmarking it. here are some of the reasons. independent historians and the planni