ms. du's life story, leaving vietnam following the war, living in refugee camps with her family, coming to america at a young age, abtaining an -- obtaining an education and establishing herself in a respectfullable career. she as risen above disadvantage that moves us can't maching this is great success story and we congratulate her on nobility accomplishments. however ukes thi, this is not st for confirmation to a lifetime appointment as a federal judge. we all can think of similar success stories. miguel estrada, immigrated to the united states, clerked at the supreme court and had a prestigious legal creemplet his confirmation was defeated by a democratic filibuster. justice thomas grew up in humble circumstances, rose above his background to graduate from yale law school, faced discrimination in legal hiring but went on to an illustrious public service career. he was barely confirmed to the supreme court by our senate. jenny suri brown was daughter of sharecroppers. overcoming these cir