ms. durandet and i believe our project has been deemed exinet, we do not believe there's any reason to not proceed in fixing our basement. we are happy to answer questions you have or about the garbage, which is an unrelated issue, obviously mr. hoff map doesn't feel it's unrelated. i will reiterate we have addressed the garbage issue thoroughly, repeatedly, and our neighbor is still unhappy and has pursued complaints against us that have never ened up in a citation. -- never ended up in a citation. the enclosure is compliant, it's sturdy, it matches the house, it's not affixed in place, which is part of the regulation, he is mistaken about that. we have a good deal of neighbor support, including many people on the block that's in your pact, since we put up the d.r. poster, i know you received further support, we're invested in our home, in our community, we raise a family there, we live a family of five in a two-bedroom flat in this victorian and we had always thought when we made the investment to buy the property and live there as a family that we could expand down when the time came th