i guess ms. ebora is our last applicant to speak. at this time, i will be opening for public comment. please line up if you would like to speak. thank you. just to help our clerk who is taking minutes, if you could say that you are speaking for a particular candidate or against in the opening. >> i served on the elections task force in 1995. i was one of nine members, which actually brought back district elections and to the first lines that were approved by the voters. i have not applied at this time because i will be submitting maps to the commission, and one of the things i have been working on is making sure that committee members will not have a preconceived agendas going in. they will be serving as a jury -- a quasi-jury. they will be hearing public testimony and legal advice. hopefully they have an extensive knowledge of statistics maps and neighborhoods. basically going for the process with a closed mind, and frankly, there were some people on the commission nine years ago that had an agenda. when i was on the task force, thr