ms. fiorina, we go to you.espite some of the highest unemployment in e country, many central valley leaders believe that their region is being neglected. a majority of the federal stimulus dollars went to northern and southern california. what can you do to make sure that all of california receives proper representation and its fair share of federal funds? >> i reject the premise of your question because you assume that the federal stimulus program has been helpful to california. i am sure it has created a job or two but the reality is that the unemployment rate in california has climbed since the implementation of whatever federal stimulus dollars have come to california. that is not how we're going to get the economy back on track. i have lived the american dream. i started out as a receptionist. i typed, i fil, i answered the phone. the people who are going to get the american dream back on track are small business owners, family businesses, innovators and intrapreneur, and we're making it too hard for them