ms. flemming and we'll figure out where we can have that discussion on an on going way, unrelated to this plan but for the future in a more appropriate setting like curriculum committee or whatever we decide would be appropriate. i want to thank you for the answers and the staff responses. >> commissioners, any other comments, questions before we have the vote? yes. deputy superintendant? speaker: i would like to thank the commissioners for the feedback and input. hopefully the changes the staff was able to incorporate reflected those documents. >> now that i would like to pick out one item is the funds we have allocated because the way the student formula to address the state budget shortfall. i think it's time that we look at this reserve and whether or not we should be transferring that to the general fund. one, it skips the oversight of the committee, advisory committee of those funds and we understand that at times of dire needs that we shift these funds. i think we should now look at perhaps the way we use this money addressed in the formula, but i feel it's maybe time to give some