. >> ms. fong? >> this is typically the time when we report back on our quartzly investments and quarterly debt reporting and assets and liabilities. since we're approaching the close of june 30, 2018, we'll be reporting out our financial information later in november when we complete the annual fiscal audit. today aye like to report out how we're doing in our investments. as of june 30, 2018, we have approximately $43.6 million of cash sitting in the bank. 47% of the funds are invested in the city and county treasury pool. we alsos have sufficient liquidity in funds in terms of meeting our fiscal year 18-19 budget at this point in time. in terms of debt reporting, back in november of 2017, eight months ago, we issued the t.a.'s very first sales tax revenue bond. as of the first eight months, we are approximately 43% spent on these bond proceeds. this is healthy for our program and we've been spending them on the five major cash flow projects. there is a document in this packet that lists out how we