ms. freeland: canada has no choice but to retaliate with a measure of the great reciprocal dollar for -- perfectly reciprocal dollar for dollar response. freeland said, "we will not escalate and we will not back down." president trump once replacement for anthony kennedy by october. the white house legislative affairs director told reporters today that the president will ask potential nominees about their past and academic credentials but will not ask rulingpecific cases or such as rove versus wade, the landmark decision that legalized abortion in the united states. scientists for the environmental protection agency's day they are being left out -- say they are being left out of the rulemaking process. in a letter to scott pruitt today, the epa science advisory board said it was not involved in the decision to increase transparency and public access to the scientists who craft regular editions only moved of that learned of the move in april. -- and only learned of the move in april. global news 24 hours a day, on air and at tictoc on twitter, powered by more than 2700 journalists and ana