ms. gannon, thank you very much for the presentation and the materials. the capital outlay, is that primarily the new public safety building? you're nodding yes. >> yeah, 8 million of that is for the new public safety building. for the furniture, for just cubicle computers equipment, anything that's not attached to the building is the way the engineers have told me. that's what the 8 million coffers. the other 1.6 is essentially the debt service on our leased vehicleses. as you may know, we supply some of our vehicleses directly through the general fund and some are paid through public finance. so, there is like an interest payment on -- and that's an accumulation of several years. >> are we directly working with the construction company that is building the public safety building or is that going through a different arm of the city government? >> well, dpw is taking the lead. they're the project managers. however, we have, as you may recall, retired captain john goldberg is working with dpw. and interfacing with the construction. and captain connolly is