ms. garcia or mr. wagner could respond. i know they submitted a very late request. they emphasize that their physician's pay is so low compared to other hospitals and they're having always have a hard time with high turnover and what they all unfunded non discretionary physician increases -- i believe range adjustments in the salaries that they say is not included and i am wondering what advice do you have for them and it's about 3.1 million dollars amount and lead to increases and be competitive with other hospitals? >> i think it's an important topic. we've been working with them since i have been the director. we have increased the contribution to them. in this year's budget we couldn't provide the whole amount they were asking for. it is true that they do have some problems in competition but we always can't fulfill every need that they have so we will work closely with them if they don't get additional funds with the impact as we do every year but we had a gradual increase in their costs over the last three years i have been working on the budget with them and