ms. gibson. >> i will do my best. the question you have as i understand it is what if the environmental impacts of the eastern neighborhoods rezoning are worse than what we thought they were at the time that the eastern neighborhoods e.i.r. were certified and the plan was approved. do i have that right? >> correct. >> so, if that were the case and i'm going to say theore theoret, we would for subsequent projects before the planning department or the city for approval, we take a look at are there any new significant impacts that were not previously disclosed or substantially more severe than or that were not previously disclosed, and if so, then we must identify the significant impact and if it can be mitigate we can do a c.p. plus a mitigate negative declaration for the project and we're looking at the project impact. understate law, we're not revisiting and trying to have an individual project mitigate an over all cumulative effect that the eastern neighborhoods rezoning could have. i want to be clear here that when