ms. giovengo to speak to that. >> i will let her do, but certainly the answer is yes. when i mentioned it at the very end about not just moving this issue or the population from one county to the neighborhood to the next them or one county to the next or one state to the next is where federal leadership comes in. we are trying to figure what data is being collected. we know it's very little. they should be consistent definitions of what this sex trafficking means, what child sex trafficking means, and that leadership needs to come from the federal government. and when law enforcement, for example, or the court are collecting data, you know, how are they collecting this would all means the same thing and that should be in a federal database. >> thank you. one final point here. and consulting with the director of the center for the prevention of child sexual abuse at johns hopkins university, she indicated that she thinks much of the emphasis needs to be placed not just on treatments or punishment, him but also interventions to prevent the occurrence of sexual traffickin