ms. golay: good evening, everyone. my name is lenny golay. want to know if you can hear me. we have a new sound system. does it work well? oh, great. wonderful. we are obviously thrilled, honored to be celebrating the publication of "jfk and the reagan revolution." we have the two co-authors with us. a man who needs no introduction, mr. larry kudlow and his brian domitrovic, the associate professor and chair of the sam houston state university -- two of them worked on the book together and will be talking about it together. we're so thrilled and so honored to have you both here. temperature for coming, and i should mention also, larry lives across the street and he is a regular customer here, has been for years. mr. kudlow: >> over 20 years. ms. golay: that makes it so special and so personal. in -- join me in welcoming larry and brian. thank you. [applause] mr. kudlow: appreciated. we welcome c-span, by the way. thank you for covering this, appreciate it very much. so, yeah, it's true i'm larry kudlow, and i'm a local. when penguin and random house started organizing this t