. >> thank you, ms. hahn. from my understanding, ms. chee has a perfect attendance record at the commission. >>> yes. >> that's unusual. it is unusual she was unable to attend today. >>> yes, she just gave birth to her second child and she's a working nurse. so, she wasn't able to adjust her schedule. >> thank you, ms. hahn. at the time we'll open it up for public comment on this item. if you'd like to speak. seeing no public comment on this item, public comment is closed. supervisor campos? >> thank you very much, madam chair. and again, thank you to all of the applicants who have come forward. the immigrant rights commission is a very important commission and has played a very key role in the last few years on issues involving a large number of our residents. you know we have a large immigrant population in san francisco and we have a long history with immigration in san francisco which is one of the reasons that this commission was created a long time ago. and, so, i want to thank all the applicants. but my motion, i'm going to make