ms. hahn: thank you. i appreciate, john, you taking this first hour tonight to focus on women and jobs. it's certainly an issue that we women are very aware of and have worked on a lot in our jobs, in our districts, in our homes. but it's nice when our men are enlightened. mr. garamendi: if i might interrupt for a moment. i'm highly motivated. my wife of almost 48 years now and my five daughters keep me constantly abreast of this issue. ms. hahn: good. good for them. i think, as jan talked about, nancy pelosi and rosa delauro, we've had this incredible campaign called, when women succeed, america succeeds. and the point is it's good to help women in this country because this will really help america to succeed. and we no longer have the kind of families that many of us watched on television in the 1950's. in fact, the american family has permanently changed. and women head up more families on their own, more than half of the babies born to women ages 30 and younger are born to unmarried women. by the way,