ms. halonen: every generation, every people should have a decent life.hat is already what gandhi said. that there's enough in this world for everybody's need, but not everybody's greed. and it does not mean that the less quality in your life. it means that you have perhaps some things less quantity, but you will have enough quality. prof. appiah: i think money is a terrific invention. it has made huge amounts of things possible. without money, there would not be the sistine chapel, there would not be the rug on the floor here because it could not have gotten to me without money from the place in persia it came from. and so on. i am not against money. it is terrific. but it is a terrible mistake , recognizing this, to conclude that therefore we should give huge attention to those who have a lot of it. thomas: money can buy you comfort. it can buy you better health care. it can buy you certain opportunities and a meal at a good restaurant. and those can make you happy if you have got the underlying thing first. if you're in an unhappy marriage, if you are