ms. hanabusa, and a member oppose each will control five minutes. ms. hanabusa: the amendment i propose is a simple amendment. title 43, section 1340, entitled geological and geophysical explorations is what is the subject of h r. 1229. specifically, subsection d entitled drilling permits. under that subsection, the secretary -- it states the secretary offer us an approved exploration plan to drilling any well in accordance with such plan. what the amendments are proposing here today and what my amendment is addresses is what is set forth as page four and i propose that it amends after line 6 and includes a subsection three, which addresses the worst case discharge scenario certification this amendment requires the secretary shall not issue a permit without certifying that the applicant first has calculated a worst case discharge scenario for the proposed drilling operations and b has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the secretary that the applicant possesses the capability and technology to respond immediately and effectively to such worst case disch