ms. harbert, isn't it true to manufacture goods you need power? >> germany has electricity power prices four times as high and they are coming to the united states to invest now. so investment from europe is coming here. and their emissions are going up, not down. >> so if electricity rates were to skyrocket that would hamper the manufactures. and would what it do to jobs? >> hurt our competitiveness and it is regressive. it would hurt the people with are the least amount of disposable income paying the post. >> and dr. hansen, are you familiar with the estimates from the laboratory? you are mentions all of the jobs with green energy. it showed the government spent $9 billion on energy jobs and created 900 jobs. this is the midpoint in terms of the cost between the studies >> i disagree with such policies. i say put a simple, honest fee on carbon. don't say you have to buy renewable. i have never agreed with so don't blame those policies on me >> i am just talking about the policies being pushed by the administration are not creating the jobs and