ms. anna kooiman. come on up. we played host for every president since harry truman.and sports. >> after sampling barbecue and listening to blues on tour street. tourists flocked to the hotel to waddle the red carpet. >> we are here to see the ducks. my work told me about them. thoif out it would be something she would enjoy. >> what do the ducks say? >> quack quack quack. >> the ducks march every day at 11 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. >> uh-oh. >> we lost a couple. >> encore, encore. all righty. [ laughter ] >> showoffs. the mallards spend their evenings in a $200,000 granite and marble roof top penthouse. they eat like royalty. >> they are the peabody ducks. they have standards. we have to serve them off of a silver tray. >> that dynasty, donald duck, rubber duck, ain't got nothing on these guys. >> i want to know what it means to be nominated hand honorary duck. >> the story goes 80 years ago the peabody gm had a boozey hunting weekend with a bit too much whiskey and let the ducks loose in the hotel. the mallards were a huge hit. the tradition sticks and my name has been add