ms. hayden: they are active. what has been hard in working in congress is the interest of most of the legislators in history. it was striking during my confirmation process, seen how much the legislators knew about cement and wanted to their place in history. susan: what is your operating budget? how much of that is federally subsidized? ms. hayden: just about all of it. $632 million. the smithsonian has done a wonderful job of working with patriotic philanthropy. the library has been relatively new to that. the fact that we are in this coolidgea gift of mrs. with these stradivarius instruments. susan: first lady coolidge? ms. hayden: no. susan: i don't know how far back the history what. susan: to whom do you report? dr. skorton: the president. we have oversight committees in both the house and senate. our main communication is with the white house. susan: what is your operating budget? is it all federally funded? dr. skorton: about $450 million. each of the presidential libraries, as well as the flagship nation