ms. henriksen, ms. meister, hatcher insurance given you more bells and whistles as you've seen these increases? mr. arles, yours would've 74% the last two years. ms. henriksen, icu increased about $31,000 before you even start tapping into anything. ms. meister, you're just trying to keep the drugs that will keep you breathing. had using increases and benefits as these prices have gone up? >> no, less benefits. >> yes, also less from a. last year in fact when my rates were raised 26%, anthem also increased my prescription drug co-pay for both brand name and generic. >> ms. edwards and? >> no, i haven't, and sometimes when i open my statement from them after going to a doctor or something i'm shocked that they didn't cover that. you know, it's things like that, but i haven't calculated exactly the change. >> you mentioned your son that had the heart issue there. is there any length -- how long will they continue to hold this like a preexisting condition like you mentioned -- >> probably the rest of his l