ms. salazar an opportunity to speak about the war and the program. -- about the award and the program. >> thank you, director hicks, deputy cashman, and i want to thank the department from the opposite is down, and i am glad that deputy chief cashman is here. he is mike doty. i want to thank the poa -- he is my go to. the trainers that do the training for them, the staff, the bar association, for helping me recruit great mediators. and finally the staff at the occ, good to find the cases for us, and we have an amazing panel of mediators, though are the boots on the ground. [applause] and i just want to say that we are so grateful for the recognition, and thank you so much. president mazzucco: i wanted to say that i was fortunate because director hicks was at her son's wedding, and i got to sit in, and i have to say, it was an experience. it was called conflict revolution, and i met some of our mediators, our volunteers, and it is incredible, that our officers are sitting down and complaining about the conduct and telling both sides have a feel about it, and they are explaining why they do something, and then why t