i would like to get back to 0 ms. hines and put the human side on this and see how we get into these swayings, whether we are dealing with predatory lenders, whether we are dealing with lack of oversight with the process of brokers and mortgages -- real estate brokers, mortgage brokers, and some personal responsibility. it is my understanding in your testimony that it was you and your sister that inherited the home from your mother and father that had lived in the home for at least 30 years before they passed. is that correct? >> yes. >> and you -- when you inherited the home, was it free and clear? >> yes, it was paid for. >> so the house they had worked most of their adult lives working their tails off to be able to pay their bills in a responsible way, and you inherited the home. what year did you inherit the home? >> in 2006. >> 2006? >> yes. >> and how long was it after you inherited the home that you borrowed money? >> i think it was 2005. it was two years. we went into foreclosure in 2007. >> what year did you get th