ms. hiyashi and her staff. on the last item -- the speed limits -- this is the type of policy direction that was given to us by you, the board, to look for every opportunity, especially in the self market area. -- south market area. we did do a rigorous traffic study. this is a good starting point to improving things in that area. chairman nolan: thank you. how about on those items? is there a motion? basically e and g. >> i move that. >> second. >> the ayes have it. it is unanimous. >> mr. chairman, if you look to this item, it requires a cfo to review before the authority is granted to the executive director to make that decision. it is related to the issues quickly coming down the pike, making sure we do not lose momentum with those small decisions that need to be made regarding real-estate. chairman nolan: is there a motion on this one? >> i will move that. >> is there second? >> second. >> all those in favor, say aye. >> item 11? >> you do have a few members of the public who wish to comment. >> we have co