ms. hobson mentioned, dredging is a complex subject, but i do understand that dutra took their equipment away during that window and used it for more pressing jobs, so that could have been done by november 30th, so that's a contract management issue so we're not thrilled with this extension of more soft cost and the item that's in front of you because we feel a lot of that dredging could have been done during the window, ms. hobson was not addressing the toxic issue, she's talking about the sand accumulation at the entrance so you're not getting a straight answer about the dredging problem, we have a significant loss in depth from the design of the project for a large number of berths inside the harbor, which means when people start to pick their berth, there is the a berths which are 12 feet deep which is the design of almost all harbors, there are the b quality berths which are the inner west that are 8 foot, it's because of the tox -- toxic soil in there. now we find out that there are berths that are 3, 4, 5 and 6 feet, not 8 feet, and we want a commitment from rec and park departmen