ms. hochul: thank you, mr. ms. hochul: well, here we are. >> the house is out of order. ms. of the world are upon us. the eyes of the american people are upon us. but most importantly, the eyes of the people who put their faith in us in sending us to this institution are certainly upon us. and as we engage in this debate, i will say just one thing that is clear to me, that everyone in this room loves this great country, loves this country. america has stood the test of time and risen above disasters as one people. in the last decade alone, rattled by wars, unprecedented natural dsasters, the longest recession since world war ii. as we approach the 10th anniversary of 9/11, we are reminded of what we can do when we pull together. we are a resilient people. but, mr. speaker, never, never in this history has there been an intentional disaster perpetrated by te very people who were sent to be the caretakers of this country. and that is exactly what will happen if we refuse totake action, prevent default and pay our nation's bills now, not six months down the road. i understand t