ms. hunter or mr. mcguire, do you want to come back up? thank you. so, i just want to touch a little bit on as we talked about before, this is part of vision 0, this is our safety thing. i think what we heard from the public is just great support of increasing safety on market street everybody recognizes that these proposals definitely will do this. i think as i've spoken to people about this over the past couple of weeks the big thing that comes up is enforcement and i know you've laid out temporary enforcement measures, extra pco's and police officers everybody's experience with the forced right turn on 10th has been that it works well right after about of enforcement but perhaps it doesn't work so well two or three weeks after enforcement, do you want to talk about what we plan to do enforcement-wise going forward? >> sure, so immediately after implementation, with we go out in a partnership between the pco's and the sfpd to provide some on the spot enforcement that would extend for about two weeks after the implementation is complete. these inter