ms. iris canada. so i strongly, as an advocate for seniors and people with disabilities, strongly urge you to deny this project. let's not reward the peter owenss and the other out out ofn spectators in the world. >> next speaker, please. >> hi. my name is michael, and i'm a counselor with the housing rights committee. if we were able to get legal support to iris one to three months earlier, we would have been able to submit evidence in court. i am against the condo conversion of this unit because she lived in this unit and was evicted. thank you for taking the time for this discussion. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> good evening. my name is cynthia from the housing rights committee of san francisco. i'm here today to talk about obviously iris' case and if the planning commission is to generate an extraordinary vision for the general plan, which i took from the website, allowing this condo conversion would be extraordinary but in the wrong way. the san francisco general plan, the primary goal