ms. jacobs. any other public comment? >> thank you. i am with local 21. commissioner, we appreciate very much more concern and remarks. what i hear both from mr. harrington and the commission is that there will be an opportunity to continue to confer on this issue. i would hope that the commission would instruct its staff to move forward with those meetings. often, we have to wait. of course, the budget process is a speedy one, relatively speaking, and we would hope that we will be able to continue to meet on this issue within the next few weeks, rather than pushing it out. we hope to get your help in making sure that does happen. with respect, we disagree, that the process for meet and confer or disciplinary procedures -- in fact, we're dealing with, which we have not been given a clear explanation of, that has been met. pretty clearly, i have seen the notes of the so-called meetings. there was no such a bang. as far as any kind of disciplinary action is, if that was, in fact, what was intended by mr. harrington, the commission has not even begun the pro