ms. jenkins. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady from kansas is recognized for 2 1/2 minutes. ms. jenkins: i thank the gentleman for yielding and i thank him for his leadership on this very important issue. mr. speaker, last thursday h.r. 5842, the restoring access to medication act, which i authored and introduced, passed out of the full ways and means committee markup with bipartisan support. it is now included in this bill that is being considered on the floor today. we all know the president's health care law is full of pitfalls that makes health care more expensive for average americans. while we await the supreme court's ruling on constitutionality of the entire health care overhaul, there is bipartisan, bicameral agreement that requiring folks to have a doctor's prescription to buy medicine is as simple as advil or cough syrup with their health savings account or their flexible savings account is simply wrong. this provision would repeal the unnecessary and punitive obamacare limitation on reimbursement of over-the-counter medication with health f.s.a.'s, h.r.a.'s, h.s.a.'s