ms. stan most of the time. the one thing i like to correct that she said a while ago when she said that vietnam was a johnson and nixon's or, it is an issue in my husband and his friends or, as is the war now in afghanistan. people said it they are confused and compare the two wars of vietnam and afghanistan -- they are nothing similar. i thought that our mission was very clear in afghanistan, to cause great harm to people who harbored al qaeda the cause us great harm. because of dick cheney forgot about it and george bush for eight years, does not mean that the mission changed. it became very expensive. now that pakistan is a problem and an issue, and they have nuclear weapons, it has become more of an issue for us to cause these people great harm. i am not pro-war at all. i have the 20-year-old son in college in the last thing that i want to see is my son over in another country fighting a war. but these people cause us great harm and we really need to put an exclamation mark at the end of our action. as far as barack obama is concerned, he can no longer invoked present -- he has to make a decision. i like to