ms. kane did you have any other -- we have the request to eliminate music at mason -- fort mason at safeway and at lower hate and we're going to turn away the amplifiers from all residential structures. did you have anything else that you wanted to add to that? >> well, i hadn't really picked out locations other than obviously the ones that i mentioned in my memo that i got phone calls around. so i need to go back and compare them. but this 16th and guerrero, is that still -- that's not included already? 17th and wisconsin? >> yes, 17th and wisconsin is a guitar duo this year. >> a guitar duo? >> their ampersand is two girls on guitars. >> like a flying v or like a -- >> like an anne defranco. >> and then mariposa? >> we have a chair station there. you know, even if your station is going to cause problems with the neighbors -- >> our tier station is not amplified and therefore -- commissioner meko: they're not within our jurisdiction. >> but other than that, commissioners, i -- you know, i can