ms. katie porter. >> and occ and the poa as well. i would be remiss if i didn't mention them. this has been a long process. i think it's a good general order. the sergeant runs our emergency vehicle operations course and any terms in there you need explained -- there are not a lot of significant changes to the general order other than there is a lot more supervisory requirements and we did make one adjustment under 3d. oftentimes when you're in a pursuit or you're trying to get somewhere the radio is very busy and you cannot always get on the radio to say that you're going code three so the dispatch can make a note of that, so it's only four lines. notification to dem, officer initiating emergency response shall notify them as soon as possible regarding the code three response and the officer's location. during a code three response they will accept all emergency traffic whether isolated to one or more separate events and oftentimes you will hear three or more code three responses and dem does an incredible job keeping everything sorted out, so are there any questions about th