ms. klobuchar: thank you very much. mr. president, i want to thank senator dorgan for his great leadership. for so long he has been working on this, and i have a feeling this is finally going to get done. it is traourbgs we invite the presiding officer -- it is true, we invite the presiding officer to visit north dakota and minnesota. i think he thinks his state of new mexico is pretty cool but he never visited teddy roosevelt park. our market campaigns are done by specific cities -- las vegas, new york. that is very important. when you look at this country, marketing our country as a whole is going to mean something. we're competing against countries the world over that do this all the time. that's why we've seen a 20% decrease in our international visitors. when i held a hearing on this issue along with then-senator martinez this part year, there was a story in "the washington post." it was in good humor about all the senators kind of hawking their own states and the deals you could get, whether senator begich's $99 cruis