ms. klobuchar: thank you very much.will ask my questions on the record on infrastructure funding effect on the economy, and also the positive of doing that, and income inequality and some of your views on that. thank you very much. mr. coats: senator, thank you. i know the members of the committee will miss your presence in the future as you are moving on to greater responsibilities. on klobuchar: i may still be the committee, but yes, my presence at the front of the line, you mean? mr. coats: congressman hanna. >> we talked about dodd frank. the federal frank, reserve examiners took responsibility for the safe the and soundness of money as well as can protection oversight. dodd frank moved that over to yet, in 2015, "the l.a. times post quote reported that wells fargo was putting cross-selling pressures on bankers was encouraged and encouraging fraud. wells fargo paid $185 million in fines, and i know this is somewhat hypothetical, but i'm curious -- dodd frank in this this, and it is a profound miss. do you think it w