ms. labonte, ms. rydstrom, and ms. hale. we appreciate getting these regular updates. >> madame president and members of the commission, i would like to say it is always a treat to see the reports on all the progress in addressing the challenges that come up during design and construction both. the progress is gratifying. i was thinking as i looked at the photograph of the new reservoir that years ago there was a planning effort associated with that very reservoir, and staff was discouraged because it was going to be the parking lot. you look at all the other work you are doing, and i am glad there is a whole different mental mind set on the whole program. i am also pleased to see art construction is going to be addressed by the task force. i am glad that is included in their scope of work. on the report on the water rates and water usage, what you are seeing in terms of their wholesale customer usage and water usage is being played out across the state, including throughout our service area. is there anything we can do clev