ms. lagarde: i am not sure it is going to be a major game changer for the forecast, simply because what we had anticipated in our baseline was that at some stage in the first half of 2021, they would be -- there would be a vaccine, and it would be rolled so in the course of 2021, it might be a little exhilarated given the news that we are receiving from germany, u.s., but i do not think there is going to be a game changer, so to speak. i think that our forecast is being revisited almost as we speak, and we will be releasing on the 10th of december, so i do not want to anticipate what the outcome will be. --, you know, we have seen before we had this great news about vaccines, we had some pretty negative news concerning the second wave that really came about, certainly earlier than anything we had anticipated, and together with that second wave, we had also that list of containment measures and lockdown measures that have country aftera another in the euro area. we had the development that affected negatively the situation, and that also has an impact on the outlook. francine: so what kind