ms. landrieu: thank you, madam president. my colleague for her really extraordinary and robust and enthusiastic leadership for this important piece of legislation that will send hope and help to the northeast, to the dozens of counties throughout new york, new jersey and even in the state of maryland and other states that are waiting on pins and needles for our action. and, madam president, it has been too long, we have sent too many different signals out from this capitol. the people following this deba debate, the mayors, the country commissioners, the school board members, the citizens, the pastors of churches, the principals of schools need to hear today a big "yes" from congress and a "yes" from the president that help is on the waway. believe me, as a senator from louisiana, unfortunately i have become an expert on disasters and disaster recovery, and i can tell you from personal witness and testimony the importance of every action we take regarding this recovery so that the private sector -- and i want my colleagues on