ms. landrieu: thank you, madam president. the presiding officer: the senator from louisiana. ms. landrieu: i am so proud to join a fairly large group of colleagues, both republicans and democrats, to talk about the importance of energy for our country, domestic energy, and all facets of it and particularly the keystone pipe lierntion which will transport oil primarily, but potentially gas as well -- but oil right now from an important part of the country to the refineries that can refine it so that our people can use it here and, as appropriate, export it as appropriately around the world. canada is a very strong ally of ours. we have reduced our imports of oil because of a fallout of demand and increased production domestically, but we can do more. before i get into just my brief remarks, i see senator shaheen and senator portman on the floor, and i want to really commend he them for bringing an energy -- commend them for bringing an energy bill to the floor, a conversation energy bill to the floor that will not only make america more secure but it has the potential to create lit